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Zach "Dark Light" Atlan started working as Dark Light in 2015, 9 years into tattooing after discovering his love in his style, life, and what truly mattered most to him. Five years later, with the help of his light, partner, and manager Jessica Atlan, they opened the new location for Dark Light Studios in downtown Fort Collins, Colorado. Since then, they have expanded, grown, and formed an amazing team of individually eclectic, artistic minds. 

A dream to be able to create the unimaginable, and a world where artists and friends and family can shine. Where our Artists can STRIVE. Where our Artists can BREATHE. Where our Artists can be ARTISTS.

Happy Artists create MAGIC. 

Here we want to provide professional, high-end tattooing and piercing, create beautiful works of art created to your vision, but more importantly, to inspire, heal, grow and love. 

"Like in art, life is all about contrast. The dark moments that make the light seem brighter. This is that journey. We have all walked it, whether we know it or not. That struggle to strive for your light beyond all the dark. I want you to strive for you. I want to relate, inspire, and open the minds of everyone I meet. I want to help you find your light in the dark. Your night light."

-Zach Dark Light

A VERY special thank you to Ty Goedl, you are our friend our family, and without your hardwork and constant help, none of this would have been possible. You deserve more than a thank you, you deserve LIGHT.

© 2016 by Dark Light Studios LLC. Proudly created with


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